Sren, consisting of Öykü, Ozan, Kaan and Berkay, continues to offer its listeners a unique alternative music experience by blending shoegaze, indie and post-rock genres. The band's atmospheric sound world and emotional depth take listeners on a journey between dream and reality.
Winner of the 23rd Roxy Music Days Special Jury Award, Sren takes its musical journey one step further with its new single ‘Düşerken’. The second harbinger of the band's upcoming album, ‘Düşerken’ creates a melancholic atmosphere with indie and dream-pop sounds.
Acoustic guitars, especially in the intro and verse sections, support the song's transitions between dream and reality. ‘Düşerken’ is an interpreter of the feelings of those who seek freedom and peace in the uncertainties of modern life. In the lyrics of the song, the inner conflicts brought about by following dreams and releasing emotions come to the forefront.
In the band's words, ‘Düşerken’ is an emotional escape story where dreams and realities are intertwined.
‘Düşerken’ is one of the gateways to the deep world of Sren's new album, which will be released in early 2025. The track reflects Sren's musical evolution and thematic depth, inviting listeners on an even more fascinating adventure.

Vocals: Birce Öykü Boyoğlu
Guitars: Kaan Bilgin
Bass, Keys/Synths: Mert Berkay Saraç
Drums: Ozan Köseoğlu
Written by Sren
Lyrics by Mert Berkay Saraç
Produced by Sren
Recorded by Mert Berkay Saraç
Recorded at Kısmet Studios, Istanbul
Mixed by Alp Turaç
Mastered by Bryan Shortell
Cover Art by Birce Öykü Boyoğlu
Tamar Records ℗ & © 2025