Farketmez is a quartet band which contains members from Australia, Spain and Turkey that is active in Istanbul since 2013. The band's genre can be specified as an instrumental jazz-rock under funky impressions. Despite having a Turkish name, the band had started by Cameron Dean (Guitar) and Carlos Valderrama (Drums) and reached their today's crew with the joining of Selçuk Güllü (Keyboard / Sax) and Hasan Kunt Yılmaz (Bass Guitar) in the beginning of 2014. The band has increased their acceleration with a successful concert tour in Portugal at 2019 summer after several concerts in Istanbul and Ankara since 2015 with an increasing frequency. The band also has a striking Sofar performance from 2017 which can be found on YouTube. Simultaneously, the band has released their debut album named "Deeelicious" in 2017 with digital formatting and in 2018 with vinyl pressing.
Farketmez is a band with members working on different professions with a high tempo that the time is limited to use in their weekly rehearsals. The band's production method is to use the improvisational sounds which created in these weekly rehearsals as raw materials to create some catchy sounds with a vibe that can be recorded eventually. Even the recorded songs are still keep evolving in these jams and they can be reconstructed in new concerts. The biggest catalyser in this eclectic sound is the diversification of the different cultures sourced from the band members.

"Contemporary Art Shit" or "CAS" with its' abbreviated name, is the new album from Farketmez, which is including the culmination of the band's work since 2017. It has been recorded in Pür Müzik Recording Studios (Kadikoy/Turkey) by the help of the sound engineers named Ozan Öner and Berat Ä°ÅŸçioÄŸlu. The band has worked with the same mixing (Sevan ÇizmecioÄŸlu) and mastering engineers (Oli Morgan) in further steps which they had experience from their first album. Double Denim is the only song with vocals which was initially built to be an instrumental song. Adar Cohen has featured with his lyrics and vocals on this song who is a former band-mate of Cameron in "Left Foot First" at the beginning of 2010s from London.
Name of the Album: Contemporary Art Shit
- Cameron Dean (Guitar)
- Carlos Valderrama (Drums)
- Hasan Kunt Yılmaz (Bass)
- Selçuk Güllü (Keys and Sax)
and Adar Cohen (Lyrics and Vocals for Double Denim)
Genre: Jazz-Rock
Duration: 23:08
Production Year: 2020
Language: English / Instrumental
01 -Contemporary Art Shit
02 - Double Denim feat. Adar Cohen
03 - Angry Little Men
04 - One Low One High
05 - Mono Reflex
06 - Chewing Fat
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